Memberships Starting at $7.99 Every 2 weeks*!JOIN NOW
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    Your nearest Fit4Less gym: (Gym Name)grey chevron

    We’re Here to Help!

    IMPORTANT NOTE: The information submitted on the form below MUST match the information we have on file.  If your information is not up-to-date, please visit a club and use the self-service kiosk to update your details before making a request.  If the information you submit is incorrect, your request will not be processed.
    Need to make a change to your membership or request a receipt? The below changes/requests can be made online using this form:
    • Upgrade my membership - If you have a 1-Year Paid in Full membership, please upgrade on the self-service kiosk in Club
    • Lock in my membership rate - FIRST MONTH FREE! Then only $9.95+tax every 3 months 
      • Select only if you have a No Commitment membership (add-on not applicable for Paid in Full membership)
    • Membership Receipt Request (This request may take up to 30 business days to process.)
      • Please note that your receipt will be sent to the email address currently on file
    • Remove lock in my membership rate - to ensure no payment is taken on the next billing date, 5 business days’ notice is required
    • Downgrade my membership - 5 business day’s notice is required.  Change will take effect within the next 2 billing cycles.
    Don’t see what you’re looking for?  For all other changes (including cancellations), please visit your club and use the self-service kiosk located in the front entrance. Thank you and stay happy!

    Your membership number is NOT the number on your Fit4Less membership card or tag.

    Find your membership number in the contract we emailed you when you joined (Hint: search “Welcome to Fit4Less" in your inbox).
    Blank Membership Agreement
    Please Note: If we require more information regarding the action you need taken we will reach out. Thank you!
    * indicates fields are mandatory